Module CCP1 as PWM signal generator
This example
illustrates the use of
CCP1 module in PWM mode.
make things more interesting, the duration of the P1A output
pulses (PORTC,2) may be changed
using pushbuttons
marked as ‘DARK’ and ‘BRIGHT’, while the set duration is seen as binary combination on port B. The operation
of this module is under control of the functions belonging to the specialized PWM Library. Three of them are used here:
1. PWM1_init has the prototype: void Pwm1_Init(long
Parameter freq
frequency of PWM signal expressed in herz. In this example it amounts to 5kHz.
2. PWM1_Start has the prototype: void Pwm1_Start(void);
3. PWM1_Set_Duty has the prototype: void Pwm1_Set_Duty(unsigned
short duty_ratio);
Parameter duty_ratio sets pulse duration in pulse sequence.
The PWM library also contains the PWM_Stop function
used to disable this
Its prototype is: void Pwm1_Stop(void);
In order to make this example work properly, it is necessary to tick off the following
in the Library Manager prior to compiling:
§ Button
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