TMR0 as a counter, declaring new variables, enumerated constants, using relay ...
Referring to the previous
examples, the microcontroller executes the program without being affected in any way by its surrounding. Practically, devices operating
in this manner are very rare
(for example, simple
neon sign controller). Input pins
are also used in this example. There is a schematic
in figure below,
while the program is on the next page. It’s still very simple. Timer TMR0 is used as a counter. The counter input is connected to a push button so that any button
press causes timer
TMR0 to count one pulse.
the number of pulses matches the number stored in
TEST register, a logic one (5V) appears on the pin PORTD.3. This voltage activates an electromechanical relay,
is called
‘RELAY’ in the program, therefore.
In this example,
the TEST register stores number 5. Of course, it can be any number obtained
either by computing or defined as a constant. Besides,
the microcontroller can activate some other device instead
of relay, while the sensor can be used instead of the push button. This example illustrates one of the most
microcontroller in the industry; when something is performed as many times as needed,
then something else should
be turned on or off....
Only one enumerated
constant RELAY
is used in this example. It is assigned
a value when
All the constants, following those with assigned values (RELAY = 3 and MOTOR
= 6),
are automatically assigned values incremented
by 1 relative
to the previous constant value. In this
constants HEATER and PUMP will be assigned
4 and 7,
respectively (HEATER = 4 and PUMP = 7).
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